Premium Plans
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Our Premium Plans

Islam is monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one incomparable God – Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God. It is the world’s second-largest religion and the fastest-growing major religion in the world. Islam teaches that God is merciful, all-powerful and unique.

Nam facilisis mauris a metus finibus, id gravida velit ornare. Cras neque tortor, faucibus sit amet lacus eu, maximus hendrerit ipsum. Fusce condimentum sem enim, est ornare ex vestibulum ut. Aliquam pulvinar libero vitae dui porttitor, at condimentum dolor eleifend.

Our Packages Plans

Desert Safari

AIf you want to experience the life in Dubai or UAE before it became the city it is today, a desert safari trip is a must.
Bengaluru / 13 Mar 2023
₹ 135000.00 / 21 days
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Dubai City Tour

Our 4 hour Dubai city tour would take you to the most prominent places in Dubai. You also get to see two...
Bengaluru / 13 Mar 2023
₹ 135000.00 / 21 days
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Dhow Cruise

Experience something that is inexplicable and beyond your imagination with our 2-hour...
Bengaluru / 13 Mar 2023
₹ 135000.00 / 21 days
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Desert Safari

AIf you want to experience the life in Dubai or UAE before it became the city it is today, a desert safari trip is a must.
Bengaluru / 13 Mar 2023
₹ 135000.00 / 21 days
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Dubai City Tour

Our 4 hour Dubai city tour would take you to the most prominent places in Dubai. You also get to see two...
Bengaluru / 13 Mar 2023
₹ 135000.00 / 21 days
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Dhow Cruise

Experience something that is inexplicable and beyond your imagination with our 2-hour...
Bengaluru / 13 Mar 2023
₹ 135000.00 / 21 days
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DUBAI - Emirate of innovative
Dubai is the most famous state of UAE. The skyline of Dubai maps out the unrealistic achievements of this cosmopolitan. From shopping to beach activities to adventurous tasks to blooming flowers in the desert, you and your family are sure to have a spectacular holiday.
ABU DHABI - A maze of culture
Deserts and contemporary architectonics. Abu Dhabi is booming with visitors. Embellished with extravagant resorts, celestial escapes, herons on mangroves and unrealistic museums, Abu Dhabi has a class edge to its identity.
SHARJAH - Cultural hub of UAE
A visit to Sharjah will unfold its cultural heritage and history. The main attractions of this city are Sharjah Desert Park, Blue Souq, Sharjah Archaeology Museum and many others.